
Tuesday 12 July 2011

Whoop Whoop! First Comment...

which means people are actually reading this! Exciting!!! I've also just discovered that "Dumpling's Mum" has been mentioned on the Tots100 website. OOOHHHH!!! No wonder I've suddenly received some lovely comments and the stats have shot up. Ironically I was wondering if it was worth it, especially as I'm back to work in six weeks and will have even less time to work on the blog. However, enthusiasm is now renewed. Yay!

So, I think Dumpling is now 18 weeks, I'm starting to lose track a bit. Last week she started rolling over properly although she typically refuses to do this on demand, when people are visiting. We moved her into her own room on Friday night, into the big cot. I had massive separation issues which were aggravated by PH. He started winding me up about me freaking out but once I burst into tears he realised that this probably wasn't the right approach! Pleased to report that Dumpling continued to sleep all the way through the night and I only checked on her twice. Result.

The whole "banned from breastfeeding" appears to have calmed down for the time being. We've been over to the In Laws a few times, but not as much as we would have if there wasn't a potential issue. Our strategy now is that when Dumpling needs feeding PH takes his Dad out for a walk until I send a text saying that Dumpling's finished feeding. We even have secret signs which indicate that she's about to need feeding. It's all very comedic really.

Dumpling has also found her voice in the past few weeks. She no longer cries, she either shouts or does a high pitch wail/yelp. It gets a bit embarrassing when you are walking around M&S and all you can hear is your child trying to "talk whale" at the top of her voice. Finding Nemo is going to be banned from our house for the next few years!

Six weeks left till I go back to work. Still can't think about it as up and down like a yo-yo. I'm not even sure why I'm going back so early now. We have the drama of weaning, teething, nursery and everything else to look forward too when I start back at work. I have worked out that I will need to get up at 5.30am every morning to feed Dumpling before I drop her off at Nursery, to ensure I can get to work in time to get a parking space. Deep joy.


  1. Just read back to the entry about your father-in-law being weird about you breastfeeding. WOW. How horribly unsupportive! Why can't he just leave the room, or even offer you a quiet room to do it in? Good on you for holding your ground.

  2. So glad to hear your enthusiasm is renewed!

    I remember when Mummy started back at work and I had to go to nursery. I won't promise it's a breeze, but it does get easier. There were tears for a few weeks, but Mummy's carried on far longer than mine! Try not to think about work too much now, just enjoy the rest of the time with Dumpling for the time being.

    CB x

  3. Thanks for the comments Gingembre and Chatty Baby. Really appreciate your support.
