
Tuesday 19 July 2011

Phew and Eugh...

Can you believe that I've been trying to write this post since Friday!

Very pleased to report that Thursday was fine. PH took his Dad out for a walk when Dumpling needed feeding, me and the Mother In Law (MIL) had a lovely chat and we managed to get home by 8pm. All my anxiety was unnecessary. However, it's probably because I was ready for trouble. It's always when you aren't ready for trouble that things explode.

My MIL was very sweet and kept telling Dumpling how much she loved her. Dumpling was a total little charmer and just kept smiling at her Grandma. It was sooo weet! We didn't directly talk about my Father In Law's (FIL's) issue with feeding but my MIL did say how proud she was of me, for continuing to breastfeed Dumpling despite all the issue's we have had. So, that was a very nice bit of recognition that I hadn't been expecting and gave me a nice warm glow.

Our current challenge is Dumpling's first cold. Which she has very kindly passed on to me. There is snot everywhere and the front door has a great big red X on it. So, I'm having to deal with a sick baby whilst not feeling particularly great myself. She is fine in herself though, apart from last night where we had lots of screaming before bedtime so the magic potion (calpol) was administered. Luckily PH is home from work today so he's doing a fab job of looking after us and Dumpling is sleeping it off at the moment. I hate snot at the best of times and I knew this day would come, but it's soooo gross when babies wipe it across their face because they don't know any better. This is one of those bits of parenting that I could do without!


  1. I know what you mean. I still can't deal with it and my baby's 11, lol.

    Didn't they tell you; mums aren't allowed to be ill...!

    CJ xx

  2. I love the magic potion! I'm a bit snotty at the moment, too, but I hate having it smeared across my face. How to avoid that? Leave 'snail trails' across Mummy's top, when she's rushing to work if possible.

  3. Oh, that's great that your MiL was supportive about the breastfeeding! Hope you and Dumpling feel better soon. It's so rotten when they feel ill and can't understand that there's no magic solution - though Calpol comes close. :)
