
Tuesday 19 July 2011

Phew and Eugh...

Can you believe that I've been trying to write this post since Friday!

Very pleased to report that Thursday was fine. PH took his Dad out for a walk when Dumpling needed feeding, me and the Mother In Law (MIL) had a lovely chat and we managed to get home by 8pm. All my anxiety was unnecessary. However, it's probably because I was ready for trouble. It's always when you aren't ready for trouble that things explode.

My MIL was very sweet and kept telling Dumpling how much she loved her. Dumpling was a total little charmer and just kept smiling at her Grandma. It was sooo weet! We didn't directly talk about my Father In Law's (FIL's) issue with feeding but my MIL did say how proud she was of me, for continuing to breastfeed Dumpling despite all the issue's we have had. So, that was a very nice bit of recognition that I hadn't been expecting and gave me a nice warm glow.

Our current challenge is Dumpling's first cold. Which she has very kindly passed on to me. There is snot everywhere and the front door has a great big red X on it. So, I'm having to deal with a sick baby whilst not feeling particularly great myself. She is fine in herself though, apart from last night where we had lots of screaming before bedtime so the magic potion (calpol) was administered. Luckily PH is home from work today so he's doing a fab job of looking after us and Dumpling is sleeping it off at the moment. I hate snot at the best of times and I knew this day would come, but it's soooo gross when babies wipe it across their face because they don't know any better. This is one of those bits of parenting that I could do without!

Thursday 14 July 2011

Visiting the In Laws tonight...

First time in about three weeks. PH and I have our plan in place. We will arrive at 6pm and then leave at 7.30pm. PH has decided that we will be staying no later than 7.30pm because Dumpling is now in a routine that means she goes to bed between 7.30pm and 8pm.

Not sure how his parents will react but am very impressed with his strength of feeling. However, this means that she will need a feed during the time we are at theirs. As we will only be there for 1.5 hours and will be eating during this time, I have no idea how this is going to work out. Our strategic plan last time was that PH took his Dad out for a walk when Dumpling needed a feed. However, there isn't going to be time for this, and PH's Dad does the cooking (he's a fab cook, which slightly makes up for the hassle with feeding). I am hoping that PH and his Dad will just stay in the kitchen out of the way or I will have to go and sit in the car (they apparently don't have room upstairs for me to feed). If I have to go and sit in the car then I think I'm just going to go home.

It's been a bit of a tradition over the past couple of years that we go to the In Laws for dinner every second Thurs. However, I can see this is going to become a total bind, especially when I'm back at work. I knew it was going to be a nightmare, trying to ensure that everyone was kept happy once Dumpling arrived but I hadn't realised how much of a challenge it would be to ensure that we all get to see everyone and yet still have quality family time. The grandparents are already grimbling that they don't see Dumpling enough. I know it's awesome that she's had such a positive influence on their lives, but I don't want to get to the point where we are forever visiting people to keep them happy. In fact, I know it won't get like that because we won't let it, but I just don't feel I have the capacity for the grief that we are going to get. It doesn't help when my Mother In Law (who is lovely) had a monumental strop when we told her that we wouldn't appreciate them just "dropping round" and they needed to phone in advance. The phrase "I'm do NOT need to phone to make an appointment with my Granddaughter!!!" came up.

I knew parenting would be challenging, but I thought it would be Dumpling, not everyone else! Thank goodness she's such a perfect little baby.

Tuesday 12 July 2011

Whoop Whoop! First Comment...

which means people are actually reading this! Exciting!!! I've also just discovered that "Dumpling's Mum" has been mentioned on the Tots100 website. OOOHHHH!!! No wonder I've suddenly received some lovely comments and the stats have shot up. Ironically I was wondering if it was worth it, especially as I'm back to work in six weeks and will have even less time to work on the blog. However, enthusiasm is now renewed. Yay!

So, I think Dumpling is now 18 weeks, I'm starting to lose track a bit. Last week she started rolling over properly although she typically refuses to do this on demand, when people are visiting. We moved her into her own room on Friday night, into the big cot. I had massive separation issues which were aggravated by PH. He started winding me up about me freaking out but once I burst into tears he realised that this probably wasn't the right approach! Pleased to report that Dumpling continued to sleep all the way through the night and I only checked on her twice. Result.

The whole "banned from breastfeeding" appears to have calmed down for the time being. We've been over to the In Laws a few times, but not as much as we would have if there wasn't a potential issue. Our strategy now is that when Dumpling needs feeding PH takes his Dad out for a walk until I send a text saying that Dumpling's finished feeding. We even have secret signs which indicate that she's about to need feeding. It's all very comedic really.

Dumpling has also found her voice in the past few weeks. She no longer cries, she either shouts or does a high pitch wail/yelp. It gets a bit embarrassing when you are walking around M&S and all you can hear is your child trying to "talk whale" at the top of her voice. Finding Nemo is going to be banned from our house for the next few years!

Six weeks left till I go back to work. Still can't think about it as up and down like a yo-yo. I'm not even sure why I'm going back so early now. We have the drama of weaning, teething, nursery and everything else to look forward too when I start back at work. I have worked out that I will need to get up at 5.30am every morning to feed Dumpling before I drop her off at Nursery, to ensure I can get to work in time to get a parking space. Deep joy.