
Tuesday 21 June 2011

Have we suddenly regressed back to the Dark Ages?

My father in law doesn't like me breastfeeding in his presence. So, we have basically been banned from going over to my in law's house. I'm really disappointed at his small mindedness. I can understand why he feels uncomfortable but we have been coping for the past three months as he just leaves the room when I'm feeding Dumpling.

I've already blogged about this a few weeks ago but it's still weighing heavily on me. My father in Law even bought it up when PH phoned him on Sunday to wish him a happy Father's Day. I was very proud of PH because he didn't hang up, just told my father in law that he didn't know what he was talking about and to keep quiet until he did. I bumped into one of the breastfeeding counselor's this morning and mentioned  what had happened and she said that it might be that my Father in Law is reacting so strongly because he feels guilty. PH and his brother were both bottle fed and by suggesting that "breast is best" the bf counselor said that this could imply to PH's parents that they didn't do what is best for their sons. 

Next time it comes up in "conversation" I think I'm going to ask my Father in Law why he is so against the breast. I'm intrigued by what his answers might be.


  1. I think some people, men in particular, just find it embarrassing. Of course, we know it shouldn't be like that but your father-in-law is of another generation when women hid their breasts.

    Hope you get this sorted without too much more embarrassment or upset.

    CJ xx

  2. Thanks for the comment and support CJ! :-D
