
Wednesday 22 June 2011

Dumpling is 15 weeks old

I've been reflecting over the past few days now that we seem to have reached the 3 month mark. Things are supposed to get a bit easier and thankfully they have. Dumpling is becoming a bit more independent which means I can leave her to amuse herself without having to run around to get back to her before she gets upset.

I'm so glad that we are still breastfeeding. It's been such a battle to get here. I completely understand now, how it can take over your life whilst you are doing it. It's such an intense experience, although experience doesn't seem to be the right word. It's more like an intense journey. Every day there seemed to be a different challenge. At the moment it feels like we have it cracked, although I know how quickly that can change.I think I've processed the difficult birth bit. When I think back, the events seem quite hazy and if I hadn't already repeated my birth story to other mother's, I don't think I would remember any of the details.

We seem to have developed a family routine, although it's not very rigid, which I actually quite like. I love that we are a family now and that we do family activities together. I love that PH and I are bringing up our daughter together and that we have the honour of watching her grow and develop. I've also managed to keep a little bit of BD (Before Dumpling) as I've managed to go out with friends and pretend that I'm not a Mum and that my life hasn't changed. My life has radically changed though and I am so glad that it has. As much as I want to hold Dumpling close to me and stop her from growing and changing every day, I am really looking forward to seeing the young girl that she develops into. The first 10 weeks were really tough, but they were so worth it.

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